Monday, December 15, 2008


Today Cameron broke her arm again. It broke my heart because I can remember the pain still of broken arms and I can remember the worst part - being frustrated at being down to one arm. Thing is that she's bound to get injured in life because she goes about everything she does at full speed without fear. I can't feel too sorry for that. In fact - one of the things I love most about her is that she's already planning what she'll do when the cast is off.

Also... Another thing I noticed about her tonight is that she didn't let her broken arm change her plans at all. She had her Sunday planned and was determined to go through with her plans. When she and G and C got back from the hospital she settled in and immediately began to think forward into the week - Addison's choir concert tomorrow, her cousins coming in on Wednesday, etc.

Until I saw her I was absolutely crushed at the thought of her having another broken arm. But she cruised through this without so much as a second thought. I can promise you that this is a trait she pulls from her mother. Crista has never been held back long by any injury or sad event in her life. I find myself constantly amazed at her ability to snap back to her loving successful self. What a joy to see this passed on to her daughter.


Kristen said...

She is such a cutie. I loved hanging out with her a couple of months ago.

Maren said...

I love Cameron. she is so amazing. She really is such a trooper, and I can't wait to see her! When are you going up to Ogden? I think we'll be there Friday...or thursday night.ughh. dumb finals. I'm really glad you could be there for G and C last night. You are so wonderful Emily.