Friday, December 12, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

40 minutes is how long my dad said I was away from him. Quick. Every time I'm put under anesthesia I really think perhaps I won't wake back up. This time I remember thinking how strange it is that I willingly sat in a chair as they strapped monitors to my arms and one leg and then tenderly put a needle in my arm. On the outside I was making jokes to the nurse and to the CRNA. They laughed and then when the surgeon entered I made him laugh as well. When I'm nervous I tend to talk too much. But the whole time I though how strange that I sat so still and so calm when moments before I'd signed the document releasing them from any fault should I not wake up. I tried to think about what I'd want my last thoughts to be... then I was awake again and I don't even remember waking up. Slick. That's all I can call it. Not so slick... That's what I'd call my humor before going under. When the surgeon entered it went like this:
Surgeon: Well how are you doing today Emily?
Me: Actually... I'm more concerned about how you're doing.
Surgeon: Well, I'm REEEALLLY REALLY tired... I didn't sleep at all last night (smirking a bit)
Me: Seriously? We should trade places then.

Right... And yet everyone in the room laughed because somehow they all knew I was thinking, "wow... what if I don't wake up."


Kristen said...

When was this? Do you remember after I had my wisdom teeth out how loopy I was? I think we went shopping that day!

Unknown said...

Emily, I've administered anesthetics for 30 years and your reaction is a very common one and nothing to be ashamed of. Most people are apprehensive when giving control of their lives to someone else.

JennyWren said...

You know, when I read this, I could just hear you saying it, in the way only you can....made me smile :)
Did you know, the card I sent you came back, because you didn't give me your new address after you moved?

Email it to me please. Miss you hon!

sara said...

ha ha. surgeons with a sense of humor freak me out.