Saturday, February 24, 2007

What holiday is in February?

I know that seems like an odd question - and in all reality it is. However, it is prompted by an odd situation. Tonight, February 24th (saturday) we noticed something quite odd...

My neighbors, not the ones right next door, the next-next door neighbors (2 doors down) seem to be preparing for the holidays. AGAIN or perhaps just VERY EARLY.

While inside my place I heard the familiar sound of a shopping cart being pushed along the concrete walkway outside my window. K who was at my house actually looked out and then came back in with a bit of a shocked look. Evidently the next-next doors were pushing two shopping carts full of holiday wrapped gifts to their condo. Not really that odd except that it is not December. I realized that my christian upbringing may have made me a bit close minded about holidays and so I actually did what anyone with a question does these days. I turned to Google. I searched Holidays February.

While February houses both Black History Month as well as GroundHog's Day (which as my cousin S states we do not observe as promised) I could find no holiday in February warranting carts full of wrapped gifts. Which leads me to question the sanity of my next-next doors as well as the contents of their carts. I don't want to make assumptions, but obviously I live next-next door to drug smugglers. Which pretty much makes me famous. If you need anything autographed just send it my way.


JB said...

Drug Smugglers? I think not! How about just "on drugs"? Perhaps they had a bad trip for two months leading them to believe that today is indeed December 25th not February 25th. It could totaly happen, I mean geez... if I could forget the last two months - I would!

em said...

That's a really good point. Maren brought up birthdays, but I think only mine would warrant two carts full of gifts.

CPA said...

Duh, the CHINESE NEW YEAR (utilizing cheap "after christmas" leftovers)

sara said...

Maybe they are really patriotic and into celebrating the President holidays with gifts?

I wonder if I tell my mom about this, she'll get me a Presidents' Day gift. Hm.

sara said...

dude, what is up with your email account? i keep trying to email you and they just bounce back to me.

did you see?!!! cadbury mini and cream eggs at the grocery store! this next month is going to ROCK. i picked up a package of both, thinking of you the entire time.

em said...

So now I'm stuck on thinking that their carts were full of mini eggs! UGH! I am going to have to whip out an old phone card and rob them! Let's be honest... an old credit card or phone card is like a universal key with me!