I thought I'd write a brief history of how this industry has come to be last on my list of industries which help to further the progress of mankind. I'll start here, today: Tonight I went to see a friend of mine who lives a couple of blocks from me in downtown salt lake. She, being thoughtful, called to remind me that there was a Jazz Game and thus no parking would be available. She offered to open their gate when I got there so that I could park inside since there are a couple of free spots. I don't know if many of you have driven downtown on the night of a game (and it doesn't count of you're going TO the game), but it is wretched. There have been times when I just wanted to pull my keys from the ignition in the middle of the street and just run free as tears cascade down my cheeks. There have also been times when I was to meet friends at some restaraunt or club and after circling the block for about nine hours I just give up and go home. My friend Janeal knows this. That is why it is so sweet of her to open the gate.
Once parked I went upstairs to Janeal's where we opted for a low-key night, just due to the stress we'd both had this week regarding our jobs. We hung out a while and then WALKED (not drove) WALKED TO a fantastic little Thai restaraunt. We then headed back to her place for a bite of ice cream and a couple of minutes of Office Space. All in all not a bad little evening, right? After the goodnights I found myself looking at a blank space where I thought I'd parked. I wasn't incredibly sure, the doubt now due to the car being absent. I walked up and down and couldn't find my car. My head dropped... That was for sure where I'd parked. I then began the hunt for a phone number that might help me out. Having found a TINY sign I finally I reached someone who was in bed and didn't know much since he wasn't "at the computer." This response used for each of my questions:
me: did you tow a gray saab?
him: I don't know, I'm not at the computer.
me:Do you know how I can find out?
Him: I don't know I'm not at the computer.
Me: Is there a way I could speak with someone at the computer?
Him: I just take the night calls. I am not at the computer.
Me: Can I come pick up my car?
Him: You can't pick it up on the weekends........... or at least if you do there is a weekend fee.
Me: OK. I need to pick up my car NOW. So I'll pay the fee. Do you know how much that is?
Him: I don't know. I am not in front of the computer.
Me: I understand that, but you HAVE MY CAR. I just need to know how to get it back.
Him: Perhaps you can call back and get someone else.
Me: How would that... I stopped as he'd hung up on me.
Me: I think we must have gotten DISCONNECTED SOMEHOW. I need to know the address and how to pay.
Him: We only take Cash. We are in the midvale area.
Me: The midvale area is pretty vague. Could you just give me the address?
Him: 8600 South and 50 West.
Me: Thank you. Do you know what side of the street that is on?
Him: It is near State street.
Me: How much do I have to pay you?
Him: I don't know (If he says computer I might fly at him like a howler monkey) I guess its 100 dollars for an hour of towing, another 50 for the weekend "service", and another 50 for the storage.
Me: I have to pay for storage? You TOOK my car. I still don't know why I was towed... I definitely DO NOT WANT STORAGE.
Him: Oh wait, actually you'll have two days worth of storage.. Its 11:45 now, by the time we get it out it will be after midnight and into another day.
Me: No, I'll be there. You had better be there b/c I am only paying for one day. I think you can at least do that for me, right?
Him: I'm not the boss.
Me: Well I'll be there in time. If you're not that's not my fault.
Frantically we drove to an ATM to collect the necessary cash and then drove on to the sketchiest, seediest part of Salt Lake with extra cash in hand. Safe.
We found a dark parking area (is it a lot if its all mud?) it was entirely surrounded by old fallen down barbed wire fencing. Inside there were cars parked askew and most times too near one another. I hesitantly exited the car and walked to the truck gripping my cash with my friend waiting in her car, her phone ready to dial 911... The man told me it'd be 181 since he'd knocked off the extra day. Which was nice given it was exactly 12:03. Basically he gave me three minutes of free storage. Nice. I need to remember to get a thank you note in the mail... When I handed him 200 dollars he said he had no change. I said, oh- then can I just be a dollar short?
Him: No.
Me: Then what do we do? do you want to wait while I go get change?
Him: No
Me: sadly handing him another 20... ok.
That made me swear a bit on the drive home, but no one was in my car so it was just like that tree falling in the forest without anyone there... the swearing didn't really happen.
Me: Where's my car?
Him: Right there. He vaguely waved to the bulk of the cars in the mud lot.
Me: Oh. I see it.
I teetered through the mud in heels (my favorites) and got to my poor car and walked around it. Which disgusted the tower - audibly. I then backed out slowly. The whole time trying to decide if I'd be making my bed with Satan by peeling out right in front of him where he stood ready to close the gate... Thoughtss of mud splattering up and onto his eyebrows was too much for me. TOO MUCH! Besidess - he'd made me walk through much in my favorite heels. Hopefully he used my 19 dollar "tip" to cover the drycleaning.